Posts tagged goldcoastdietitian
A historical find and Anzac biscuits

With Anzac Day just gone, I was motivated to do some further research into my family’s military history and during which I came across a copy of the Manual of Military Cooking and Dietary 1933.

Old books are special and this one is no exception!

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How to enjoy all eating occasions

Social occasions involving food shared with family, friends and acquaintances are positive experiences that should be enjoyed by all.

However, for many of us, food social occasions can be uncomfortable, stressful and thus regretful.

Keep reading to find out how to enjoy all eating occasions whilst caring for your health.

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Peanut butter, lemon rind & sesame seed balls

Enjoy the indulgence of peanut butter and freshness of lemon with these bad boys.

The ideal snack - quick and easy to make, provides protein, quality fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fibre and, can be grabbed on the go for your convenience.

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Energy protein bars

These bars provide long-lasting energy, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals and, they have a crunch!

Perfect for any occasion and particularly as a fuelling and/or recovery snack before and after physical activity, training, a game or competition.

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