Peanut butter, lemon rind & sesame seed balls

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If you like peanut butter then you should definitely enjoy these bad boys.

You have the indulgence of the peanut butter and the freshness of the lemon.


What I consider to be an ideal snack - quick and easy to make, provides protein, quality fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fibre and, can be grabbed on the go for convenience.

Peanut butter, lemon rind & sesame seed balls


  • 1 cup rolled oats

  • 1 cup shredded coconut

  • 3 tbsp sesame seeds

  • 120g fresh pitted dates (I used Medjool)

  • 150g peanut butter (I used Mayver’s - cheaper on sale)

  • Rind of 1 large lemon

  • 50ml lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp water


Combine oats, shredded coconut, sesame seeds and lemon rind in a large bowl. Mix well.

In a food processor, combine dates, peanut butter, lemon juice and water. Pulse well, scraping down the sides if needed.

Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

Using a large metal (or wooden) spoon, cut into the ingredients as you mix them, working towards a dough-like consistency. This will result in condensed balls that don’t crumble apart.

Take heaped tbsp amounts of the mixture and roll into balls.

Store in the refrigerator.