The lectin-free diet

“What is a ‘lectin’!?”


“No! LeCtin”.

LeCtins are proteins found in many foods, in varying amounts.

Some lectins aren’t too worrisome whereas others are thought to cause havoc across many body systems, promoting poor digestion, inflammation and energising various unwanted immune responses, conditions and diseases.

There are many approaches to a lectin-free diet, depending on an individual’s circumstances and how strict one is wanting to go.

This is an ongoing area of research, with studies dated back to 1999, but has certainly been gaining more attention in the medical/health realm as a treatment option for providing relief from various symptoms. Specifically, those suffering with chronic, hypersensitive, ‘mysterious’, undiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions and pesky extensive symptoms (headache, anxiety, near syncope, brain fog, sleep disorders, vertigo, throat tightness, neck pain, shoulder pain, dyspnea, chest pain, flushing, diaphoretic, paresthesias, unsteadiness, pain, palpitations, tachycardia, nausea, dysphagia, IBS, early satiety, bloating, nocturia, and incomplete bladder emptying urinary retention).

Sometimes when you’re desperate enough for answers, you’re “willing to give anything a go” (which many of my patients have said) such as a lectin-free diet.

Foods to be eaten:

  • Vegetables, e.g. avocado, apples, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, lemons, oranges, asparagus, artichokes, arugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collards, kale, leafy greens, leeks, mushrooms, okra, onions, radishes, shallots, Swiss chard, beetroot, pumpkin, sweet potato

  • Fish, beef, chicken, eggs

  • Butter

  • Olive oil

  • Many nuts, e.g. pecans, pistachios, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, flax seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds

Foods to be avoided:

  • Nightshade vegetables, e.g. tomatoes, potatoes, goji berries, capsicums, eggplant

  • All legumes, e.g. lentils, beans, peanuts, chickpeas

  • Peanut products, e.g. peanut butter, peanut oil

  • All grains and products, e.g. wheat, rice, oats, corn

  • Many dairy products, e.g. milk

Before commencing such dietary changes, I recommend seeing a medical professional and a dietitian with knowledge and experience in this area.