Finding a form of exercise you enjoy

Finding a form of exercise that you actually enjoy can take some time.

I’ve tried many different activities over the years, searching for those that are enjoyable and therefore could easily be scheduled into my weekly routine.

Some of the activities I’ve tried have been laughable but, all have been a lot of fun.

If you find exercise a chore and you’re struggling to be consistent, I highly recommend trying a new activity!

The benefits are endless, including improved physical fitness, mood-enhancement (due to increased serotonin or “happy hormone” levels), confidence, a sense of accomplishment, a better understanding of your body, rejuvenation associated with breaking routine and, a context for socialising and making new friends.

Some of my favourite activities are surfing, running, walking, team touch football and soccer, skipping, dancing, Pilates, hiking and snowboarding.

Don’t feel that your chosen activities need to be strenuous, all types of movement are valuable.

I recommend taking some time to brainstorm the activities you’ve always wanted to try.

Write these down.

Then, jump on the internet and see who’s offering these activities in your area.

Don’t hesitate, either call them directly and book a session or commit to a day and time that you will attend.

I also look at classes and activities advertised with my local council.

These are usually inexpensive, close to where I live and, have a relaxed feel about them.

Appropriate clothing and a good pair of running shoes make all the difference.

Thus, I’m giving you permission to go to the shops and spoil yourself because your health is important.

Ease yourself into it as you build your physical fitness, ask a friend to join you on your quest and, make sure you’re having fun!

The possibilities are endless and stress is not an ingredient in this matter.