I went to South Korea!

안녕하세요! That’s ‘hello’ in Korean ;) Yes, I recently got back from South Korea, and the DMZ… and had a fantastic time. Have you been? If not, I definitely recommend it.

We walked, a lot, explored historical sites (Gyeongju-si is stunning), hiked (Bukhansan is incredible), ate delicious food (kimchi, Korean BBQ) and I got to practise speaking Korean, a language I’m currently learning.

One thing I particularly appreciated about South Korea was their walk everywhere mentality and I truly fell in love with their train system. So efficient, clean, fun and literally gets you everywhere you want to go. I wish we had that on the Gold Coast.

One thing I particularly didn’t like about South Korea was or is their obsession with appearance - plastic surgery clinics EVERY WHERE, people fresh out from under the knife walking the streets EVERY WHERE, people checking their appearance using their phone or the darkened train window… shop fronts, mirrors, you name it. If there’s a reflection, they’re checkin’ it. There is definitely this vibe of you don’t look good enough and therefore you are not good enough. Very sad.

Ok, once you get past the initial shock of this nation-wide or hopefully only city-wide (Seoul) obsession, you settle in and start to appreciate South Korea’s true beauty - clear blue skies, picturesque mountains, palaces, villages, traditions, food, etc.

What have I taken from this trip? Well, my newly purchased burner for my DIY Korean BBQ! and… a heap of new meal and snack ideas, a passion for quality kimchi, a desire to walk more, motivation to keep learning Korean and a reinforced appreciation for my body and not wanting to change a single thing! Hello positive body image.

Well, that’s all from me, wanting to provide a little life update. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying this festive season!