High protein custard porridge

I’m currently hooked on adding egg to my porridge! It’s so simple, quick and tasty. I don’t think I’ll be making porridge without egg anymore.

Adding egg is a great way to boost the protein and fat content of porridge and also reduce its glycaemic index.

I would describe porridge with egg as having a subtle custard-like taste and texture. And, don’t worry, the egg gets cooked into the porridge.

Porridge with egg

Serves 1


  • 1/4 cup steel cut oats

  • 1 generous pinch of salt

  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1/4 cup cow’s milk

  • 3/4 cup boiled water

  • 1 egg, whisked

  • Toppings of choice, e.g. maple syrup, roasted mixed nuts, natural Greek yogurt


  1. Add to a saucepan the oats, salt, cinnamon, milk and water. Mix well and place the saucepan on a high heat. Once the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to a simmer. Stir every now and then to ensure it isn’t sticking on the bottom of the pan.

  2. Once the oats are tender and the mixture has slightly thickened, slowly pour in the egg in a thin stream while whisking to combine. Add more liquid (milk or water) if the texture is too thick.

  3. Transfer the porridge to a serving bowl and add your favourite toppings. Enjoy!