The low histamine diet

Histamine is a chemical (biogenic amine) that naturally exists in the body and is also obtained from food.

It exists for a reason, contributing to various body systems and supporting immunity, digestion and brain function.

Some people will benefit from minimising their histamine intake through food because high histamine levels can aggravate certain conditions and result in an array of debilitating symptoms.

There are no tests available that can identify a histamine intolerance but rather, food elimination and challenges are required.

Histamines are found in many foods including vegetables, fruit, grains, red meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, egg products, beans, lentils, nuts, oils, herbs, spices and the list goes on!

Low histamine eating can be a beneficial place to begin however, food intolerances are incredibly individual and figuring out what you are sensitive to will require energy and time.

Remaining in a restrictive eating state for too long will not benefit your health and conditions experienced, and so it is important that you explore food intolerances under the guidance of a health professional to quickly identify which foods are wreaking havoc on your body.