
What to expect

In order for you to get the most out of your consultation with me, and to understand my process, I’ve broken down the consultation process below.

Initial consultation: 45 minutes in length

An initial consultation involves a discussion between dietitian (me) and client (you) that involves question asking to gain a thorough understanding of your nutrition situation (i.e. purpose of consultation, doctor and client goals, medical history, social history, exercise/activity, medications and supplement use, current food intake including when, why and how much), and will include education and counselling. Depending on the purpose of the consultation, nutrition strategies may be created during this session, or I may create a comprehensive action plan after the consultation which we will discuss and consolidate at the review consultation.

Review consultation: 30 minutes in length

A review consultation in most cases is necessary. This will allow for discussion of the action plan and making adjustments if needed. If no action plan is implemented in the initial consultation, I will review your progress up to this point and build on advice given to further achieve your goals.